Thursday, March 24, 2011

A Letter to L____

Dear L____,

26 is way too young.

I was in complete shock and disbelief when I heard the news, and while somewhere along the way we stopped talking and lost touch, you were always someone I thought I would see again. Someone I'd be able to say "Hey, I'm sorry we stopped talking. I know these things happen and people move on with their lives, but I'm sorry anyway. I hope your life has moved on in the direction you have always wanted it to. I hope you are happy where you are right now."

26 is way too young.

You were such an exuberant young lady, and anybody who knew you (whether friends or not) can not deny that you had a certain, special zest for life. You were fiercely loyal to the people you could call your true friends, and though I hadn't spoken to you in years, I can tell that you still cared deeply and passionately for your family, for your friends, for people in general, and for life, this world, and everything that encompasses it.

26 is way too young.

I believe in a connection that everybody in this world shares. That once you have been connected with someone, no matter if you lose touch with that person at some point in your life, you are always, on some level, connected with them. I feel that all of the experiences we shared, breakfasts in Dillion, classes, late nights, galavanting across Europe......that those experiences connected us. And now I feel that you are gone, though you will live on each day in the memories of all who knew and loved you, that a little part of me is gone along with you.

The world has lost a special soul, and my heart breaks for your family and loved ones.

26 is way too young.

Rest In Peace, old friend.

May you find more happiness and joy in your next great adventure.

Sincerely yours and never forgetting,
